Trash Macks

Pennsylvania – Lakemont – Engine 151

Engine 151. Lakemont, PA. 1989 Mack MC / BRUCO. Engine 1.John Floyd photo – J.Kiefer collection. Brumbaugh Body Co. Altoona, PA 16601 Serial #815.
Additional Info: 1983 Mack. This piece is now privately owned by a life member of the fire department. It is kept in a garage to be preserved for the future. December 2018 was last in service date, as it was moved to 2nd engine in 1999 being replaced with a 1998/1999 spartan/saulsbury engine. The department got a replacement grant for the Mack in 2016 and put in service a new Rosenbauer engine rescue in December of 2018.


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